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Have you ever dreamed about changing the way you use your Hairdryer? Prepare to be amazed!

Have you ever dreamed about changing the way you use your Hairdryer? Prepare to be amazed! 0

Say goodbye to the deafening, droning and unhealthy sounds of your hairdryer.

Hairdryers are noisy!

Ladies, and some of you gents, it’s almost a daily ritual so maybe we’re just used to putting up with it, but…

What if I told you there was an easy way to get rid of that ringing sound in your ear?

Working in a Salon with loud music and not being able to talk over the sound of your hair dryer, or when you are at home and have children who hate the sound of a loud hair dryer. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to have great hair without the unwanted damage to your ear drums? Get excited because here is a solution for you.

I present the Parlux Melody Silencer! You will definitely want to get your hands on one of these, and priced at just $29.95!